Kenny Midgett
Pastor Kenny is as local as it gets. Born in downtown Manteo, he was raised by parents who loved and served God with beautiful steadfastness. Raised in the church, Pastor Kenny gave his heart to the Lord as a teen and thus began his walk with God. Early in their marriage, his wife Sandy introduced him to Pentecost and the Holy Spirit here at Wanchese Assembly.

Sandy Midgett
Pastor's Wife / Office Assistant
Mrs. Sandy is a wonderful asset to Wanchese Assembly. She wears many hats, and truly has a heart for loving God and loving the people of our community!

Regina Cecil
Music Director
Regina is a knowledgeable music director who desires to be led by the Holy Spirit. As a gifted pianist, she blesses the church body and leads the praise team with grace.

Kassie Mount
Worship Leader
Kassie is a woman after the heart of God. Her love for the Lord and worship is evident. She follows the leading of the Holy Spirit ushering the church into sincere worship.

Bonnie Thompson
Children's Director
Bonnie truly has a heart for kids! Through teaching, games, and play, she shares the light and love of Jesus. It is her desire for all kids to know the life-changing love of God.

Lindsey Kee
Children's Director
Lindsey's organizational skills and creativity are incorporated nicely into the Children's Director position. She has a desire to be a helping hand to those in need and is involved in creating outreach events for children in our area.

Reed and Sydni Midgett
Youth Pastor's
Through Reed and Sydni's love and care, Awaken Youth has grown spiritually and numerically. Their desire is to embrace the young people of our area with the love of God.

Sue Berry
Sue is a joy to all she comes into contact with! As our bookkeeper, she does a phenomenal job keeping church finances in order. Whether it's keeping up with weekly giving or doing payroll, Mrs. Sue works hard to keep the church organized, and does it all with a smile on her face!

Keith Thompson
Maintenance / Missions Director
There's not much Keith Thompson can't do! He always has a project he is working on for the church or the school. He sets the standard high and does everything in excellence. Apart from the Maintenace side of things, Keith has also been the mission's director at Wanchese Assembly for over 35 years.

Rex Simpson
Tech Support / Media Director
Rex keeps the church live-stream and sound in order. He is always busy working on new ways to improve the quality of each service. Rex loves the church body and is passionate about seeing it grow!

Taryn Daniels
Communications Assistant
Taryn is a wonderful asset to Wanchese Assembly. She keeps the church looking fresh by creating announcement slides for service each week and managing the weekly announcements and events on the app.

Emma Dough
Social Media Manager
Emma manages the church's social media accounts. Whether it be advertising for events, posting an encouraging word, or giving sermon recaps, she works to capture the many different sides of the church body!

Board of Deacons
Our Board of Deacons serve to ensure that the church is functioning properly. Each Deacon helps in assisting our pastor in the logistical, temporal, and physical aspects of the church. This position is Biblical and discussed in 1 Timothy 3.
"Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus." - 1 Timothy 3:13
"Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus." - 1 Timothy 3:13