About the Pastor

Contact Info

Office - 252.473.3767
Email - pastormidge@wancheseag.org
Pastor Kenny is as local as it gets.  Born in downtown Manteo, he was raised by parents who loved and served God with beautiful steadfastness.  Raised in the church, Pastor Kenny gave his heart to the Lord as a teen and thus began his walk with God.  Early in their marriage, his wife Sandy introduced him to Pentecost and the Holy Spirit here at Wanchese Assembly.  Over the past 37 years, Pastor Kenny and Sandy have raised their three children in this, their home church and are blessed to now have each one involved in the ministry of Wanchese Assembly.  Pastor Kenny has served in many capacities throughout the years including Junior Boys Sunday School Teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, Board Member, and Associate Pastor. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, Kenny studied and received his credentials through the Assemblies of God School of Ministry while working in the community as a net maker. In 2021, he accepted the position of Lead Pastor at the Wanchese Assembly. We are thankful for a Pastor who follows the Holy Spirit and listens to the voice of the Lord.   Pastor Kenny seeks to daily live out the verse that is so dear to his heart: “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love [a]mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)”

Pastor Kenny and Sandy are honored and overjoyed to serve the community together through the ministries of the Wanchese Assembly of God. Their greatest desire is that everyone in our village would come to know the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. They invite you to come and worship with us soon!

Pastor Kenny and Family